East County Detention Center Topping Out

The Conco Companies is proud to announce the topping out of the East County Detention Center in Indio California on June 15, 2017. The facility being constructed by Clark Construction is a 500,000 SF detention center to expand and replace the existing Riverside county jail with the new facility having a 1,626-bed facility. The Conco Companies formed, pumped, and placed 55,000 CY while dealing with the challenge of 100 degree heat, and daily weather peaking to 120 degrees.
As a thank you to our crews and their families, a Pre-Fathers Day Company picnic was held at Prado Dam on Saturday June 17, 2017. BBQ, Hotdogs, and treats were served all while kids and parents played Bingo , horseshoe, and of course the obligatory water balloon toss. It was great to see everyone enjoying their well deserved rest and enjoying it with their families and colleagues. A variety of prizes were awarded to the lucky winners – It was a great time enjoyed by all and a small token of appreciation from Conco to our crews and their families for their hard work. A big thank you to all the staff that helped put the event together to host over 250 people.