ConFoam™ – Save Your Project Time and Money with Exact Estimates

At Conco, you get what you paid for.
Every project starts with an estimate.
Cellular concrete is most often sold by volume. When contractors give quotes on projects, they calculate the volume of concrete needed. The problem is that time after time, contractors find their estimate differs from what is actually needed. The original estimation might be too low, and the actual cost is far above the project’s budget.
This can be stressful for clients to work around, especially if getting project approval was difficult. At Conco, we understand the frustration of inaccurate estimates, which is why we use a different approach.
Conco estimates are accurate and contain no surprises.
Conco takes a unique approach with its lightweight cellular concrete ConFoam™. Whenever possible, we scan the project area to be filled and share that scan with our clients prior to placing any material. With the scope of work agreed upon, we perform the job and charge our customers the agreed upon amount of volume. No budget busters, no surprises, because we make sure our scans are accurate.
Not only does this transparency and dedication to accuracy eliminate disputes with clients, it helps clients justify their scope of work with owners and general contractors.
You get what you pay for, because ConFoam™ is wasteless.
Our accurate scans are made possible not only because of technology, but also because of the lightweight and highly-flowable nature of ConFoam™. Unlike traditional concrete mixes, ConFoam™ is produced on-site for exact site dimensions. Our scans and ConFoam™ technology work together for wasteless cellular concrete placement.
Project Example

Here is an example of how it all works. One of our clients had us place ConFoam™ as a backfill around a building under construction. Our technician went to the project and prepared the above scan which calculated the volume of material needed to fill the area as 1,086.7 cubic yards. We completed the project within a week and billed the client for 1,086.7 cubic yards of material. No surprises.
The Conco Companies strives to be the top supplier of cellular concrete services in the Western U.S. We continue to upgrade and expand our facilities to better serve the growing market for commercial, industrial, and public construction projects. Contact us for information on how Confoam™ will save time and money on your next project.